ALL individuals who want to buy a house and lot, Philippine based (local residents) or Foreign based (OFWs or Fillipinos married to Foreign Nationals (or Fil-Am) from any country can purchase from us.

Here are the key steps a buyer needs to undergo to purchase a house and lot through us.
  • Look through our web site and choose the house and lot that you are interested in.
  • Send us an email, text or call with any questions you might have about the house and lot unit that you selected. Please indicate your name and location.
  • We would verify the house unit that you are interested in if it is still available. Our developer have periodic inventory to check sold or unsold house units.
  • If it is available, we will then provide a sample computation of the house unit that you are interested in and answers all queries regarding the house unit that you want.
  • Once we come up to an agreement, we will then schedule for a FREE house viewing or tripping for you to see the actual unit and its location. For foreign-based buyers like OFWs, you need to assign a trusted representative presently residing in the Philippines who will act as your SPA who will see the house unit for you and accomplish the needed requirements or you can have your FREE tripping or house viewing when you have your vacation.
  • When you have chosen the house and lot unit to buy during house viewing or tripping, you need to decide on your payment option whether cash or through a housing loan with your convenient payment term.
  • We will then provide the actual computation of the unit that you have chosen based on your payment type (cash or through housing loan like Pag-Ibig, In-House or Bank Financing).
  • You can reserve the chosen unit by paying the reservation fee so that others will not acquire since we implement the "first come first reserve" rule.
  • The documentary requirements will also be provided for you to accomplish.
  • You will be assisted to our developer's office for accomplishing some of the requirements that need to be filled out like Deed of Sale.
  • You need to accomplish the requirements provided and submit to our developer's office as soon as possible to prevent delay in processing.

We are going to assist you all the way from the time you contacted us until the time you complied to all the requirements so that when the house unit is ready for take out or will be turned over to you, there will be no problems encountered due to incomplete documents. As mentioned above, incomplete requirements will delay the processing of your home.

That's it, the purchase of your house and lot is as simple as that!

Please Contact Us now for more info about your dream house.

Visit our site: or Facebook:

Thank you for your trust and confidence in us.
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